26th June – 27th June 2015
Keynote Speakers
Maria Alvarez (King’s College London)
Carla Bagnoli (University of Modena and University of Oslo)
Sophie-Grace Chappell (Open University)
John Hyman (Oxford University)
Aaron Ridley (University of Southampton)
Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann (University of Uppsala and University of Durham)
Michael Smith (Princeton University)
More information
Sara Janssen, Postgraduate Research student History and Philosophy of Art, University of Kent
Simon Kirchin, Reader in Philosophy, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Kent, s.t.kirchin@kent.ac.uk
Hans Maes, Senior Lecturer History and Philosophy of Art, Director of the Aesthetics Research Centre, University of Kent
Paloma Atencia-Linares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)