21 May 2009
- Cain Todd (University of Lancaster): ‘Imagination, Fantasy, and Sexual Desire: the aesthetic and the pornographic attitude’ Respondent: Jerrold Levinson (University of Maryland)
- Kathleen Stock (University of Sussex): ‘What Pornography Can Tell Us About Imaginative Responses to Fiction’
Respondent: Murray Smith (University of Kent) - David Davies (McGill University): ‘Is Pornography in the (Intended) Eye of the Beholder?’
Respondent: Elisabeth Schellekens (Durham University) - Rob van Gerwen: ‘How to do Things with Pictures: Pornography and Real Sexuality’ (mp3 52m 40s)
Response by Ted Nannicelli (mp3 19m 53s) - Susan Dwyer: ‘Docusex: Display and Desire in Internet Pornography’ (mp3 45m 40s)
Response by Elizabeth Cowie (mp3 19m 01s) - Alex Neill: ‘The Pornographic, the Erotic, and the Charming: remarks on a Schopenhauerian theme’ (mp3 45m 36s)
Response by Jerrold Levinson (mp3 12m 28s)