

Prof Murray Smith (Philosophy, Art, and Film, University of Kent)

Associate Director

Dr Hans Maes (History and Philosophy of Art, University of Kent)

Early Career Lead

Dr Aurélie Debaene (History and Philosophy of Art, Kent)

Advisory Committee

Professor David Davies (McGill, Canada)
Professor Matthew Kieran (University of Leeds, UK)
Professor Jerrold Levinson (University of Maryland, USA)
Professor Paisley Livingston (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China)
Professor Jennifer McMahon (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Professor Alex Neill (Southampton University, UK)
Professor Elisabeth Schellekens (University of Uppsala)


George Turner: georgejt [at]


Dr Graeme A. Forbes (Philosophy, University of Kent)

Dr Jonathan Friday (History and Philosophy of Art, University of Kent)

Dr Edward Kanterian (Philosophy, University of Kent)

Prof Simon Kirchin (Philosophy, University of Kent)

Dr Hans Maes (History and Philosophy of Art, University of Kent)

Dr Shaun May (Drama, Theatre and Media, University of Kent)

Dr Lubomira Radoilska (Philosophy, University of Kent)

Dr Margrethe Bruun Vaage (Film, University of Kent)

Dr Freya Vass-Rhee (Drama, University of Kent)

Dr Sean Williams (School of Music and Fine Arts, Audio Electronics, University of Kent)


Associate Members

Dr Claire Anscomb (De Momfort University)

Dr David Brown (Film, School of Arts, Kent)

Dr Kathrine Cuccuru (University of Sussex)

Dr Eleen M. Deprez (Curator Studio 3 Gallery, School of Arts, Kent)

Dr Alice C Helliwell (New College of the Humanities)

Luca Marchetti (PhD candidate University of Milan)

Dr Neil McCarthy

Dr Shelby Moser (University of Utah)

Dr Michael Newall (History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts, Kent)

Dr Mark Windsor (History and Philosophy of Art, University of Kent)



Postgraduate Members

Alba Jato Bravo (PhD Candidate History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts)

Michael Clark (PhD Candidate Film, School of Arts)

Marta Colombo (PhD Candidate History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts)

Rowan Guyver (PhD Candidate Film, School of Arts)

Fen Newman (PhD Candidate History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts)

George Turner (MSt in Film Aesthetics, University of Oxford)

Peter Windle (PhD Candidate History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts)

C. A. York (PhD Candidate History and Philosophy of Art, School of Arts)